Sunday, March 1, 2009

Girls Morning Out

Saturday morning Juanita and I went downtown to look for some really cool places to shoot (pictures).  We just booked our first wedding and engagement shoot, and wanted to get a head start on exactly where we would be taking the couple for their engagement portraits.  We both kind of dressed up so that we could take pictures of each other along the way.  (We wanted to see how the backgrounds looked with a subject.)  We had a BLAST!  I love having outings with her.  The only downfall was that it was so windy and freezing cold that we had to stay in the car during a lot of the morning.  The wind was crazy!  At one point we laughed so hard we were crying!  I had thought I saw some really cool doors down this alley, so we made the block and decided to go down the alley to see.  We got stuck behind a trash truck that was picking up trash from all of the dumpsters along the alley.  There were at least 20 dumpsters.  The alley was a tight fit, so once we were in, we were in for the whole thing.  The smell of the truck started to penetrate into the car and make us gag.  The truck was also leaking some really gross liquid from the back each time it would crush all of the trash!  Just thinking of it makes me laugh.  I guess you had to be there.  We also had breakfast at this little coffee shop/bakery.  It was really yummy!  Anyways, I wanted to share some of the pictures we took of each other.  I can't wait to take the engagement pictures in some of these locations. 

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