I LOVE these pictures of Shelby. She is so pretty! If you can believe it, we took the ones of her in a blue shirt in the front yard of my dad's house. They are some of my favorite pictures of her of all time. :)
The kids and I went over to Juanita's house to take some Valentine's day pictures. It was quite hard to get Kacy to cooperate with me. I can take 100 pictures of the kids and in every one Cody looks the same and Kacy has a totally different expression on her face for every single picture. It's funny to go through them fast. It's like she is in a movie on a movie reel. haha. She is a good subject to get her real personality. :)
We set up some targets in our backyard for the kids to shoot Cody's air gun. I got some pictures of Kacy's first time to shoot it and Cody teaching her how it's done. It was too cute!
I recently got the opportunity to take maternity pictures of my friend Colleen. She was the one who watched Cody before I became a stay at home mom, and is now on her third baby. She is such a cute tiny pregnant person!
Not long ago the family took a trip to Houston to see the Supercross races. While we were there we went to Keemah and had lunch at Joe's Crabshack and drove around the area to see the damage from Hurricane Ike. Here are some pictures of us while were were having lunch. As soon as we got home Kacy went into her room to get her shoes so that we could go outside. I thought she would just go get her shoes and socks and bring them back to me so that I could put them on her, but she came out of her room with them both on. She had tried her hardest to tie her shoes. I couldn't help but take a picture!